Research Article

Spatial and Design Analysis of Sanitary Units in Primary School “Toso Arsov” Shtip to Improve Inclusive Education


Accessibility is an everyday problem within the framework of the built environment. Accessibility problems become an urban, architectural and design challenge in the planning of the built  environment and the development of an inclusive society that provides a comfortable and humane living environment according to people’s needs.  Educational facilities are key to the development of a society. They exist and function as such with the same purpose in different periods of time, according to different legal frameworks that were in force at that time. From that aspect, we can also see the diversity in the approach to the design and accessibility of the facilities, depending on the current political and social circumstances, as well as the awareness of the needs of people with disabilities in the given period of time.  The paper includes a specific example of a facility for primary education, in which an analysis of the sanitary units was made from the aspect of accessibility. For this purpose, a design analysis was made for the use of the space that is already functioning for the same purpose and the possibilities for adaptation. Through this analysis, advantages and disadvantages can be perceived about the use of space and its functional


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accessibility design space education inclusion